Fonte | Work Experience


Fonte was a startup I co-founded alongside two other partners specializing in Marketing and Technology. We developed a collaborative Journalism application with gamification, where users were financially rewarded for sending truthful and relevant news.

My Role

In addition to supporting the development of the application as a business, I led operational content actions:


  • Co-creation of a startup: a journalism platform based on gamification, rewarding and paying users for their contributions


  • Content management and editing


  • UX Writing and microcopy: texts for the app


  • Copywriting: texts for online and printed ads.


The application was in full operation during 2016 and 2017, with an operational model validated at that time, available to Android and iOS users.


But what I can highlight most during this time was the learning I gained in relation to entrepreneurship, startups, leadership, project management, and user experience.


During this period, we participated in important startup incubation programs:


  • Startup SP – Sebrae São Paulo


  • Hubiz – Sorocaba Technological Park.


WordPress, Figma, Excel, Trello, Slack, Mailchimp, Illustrator, Photoshop, GoDaddy, cPanel


Entrepreneurship, Team Management, Content Management, UX, Copywriting, SEO, Startup, App, Business

plugins premium WordPress